What we do

Research Report

ArtHubs for Youth Modules

Training material tailored to the needs of art professionals and educators working with young migrants.

10 modules focusing on using art and photography in different aspects of the migrant integration process with the aim of transcending social barriers.

The modules


This module gives an overview of using photography to work with marginalized groups, and ethical and safeguarding considerations that you should be aware of.

Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBctCpdXHSg

PDF: Overview module


This module aims to introduce ideas and techniques about using images to tell stories about ourselves and others, and how these can be used when working with different groups.

Teaser: https://youtu.be/LaQE8OQfOyg

PDF: Documentary module


This module aims to explore different practical approaches to portraiture, both traditional and more experimental.

Teaser: https://youtu.be/j688GZ8C-g4

PDF: Portraiture

4.Therapeutic uses of photography 

This module looks at how photography can be used as a way of enhancing well-being when working with marginalized groups.

Teaser: https://youtu.be/ImSh3QnN6Ic

PDF: Therapeutic uses of photography

5.Adventure / sports photography 

This module recognizes that there are many activities that will engage young marginalized people – in particular, team sports, outdoor activities, and other group activities which promote both physical health and social well being. Here we discuss how photography can be used as part of this work.

PDF: Adventure and sports photography

6.Exploring places 

This module looks at how different photographers represent place. Many marginalized people will at some point find themselves displaced; re-thinking how we relate to places may begin to address some of the anxieties about displacement and new environments.


PDF: Exploring places

7.Mixed media photography

Photography can lend itself to be playfully combined with other media – painting, drawing, textiles, etc  – and is an enjoyable way to make striking images.

PDF: Mixed Media

8.Social media 

Social media is a major way of sharing photography and has great potential for building communities, as well as potential dangers that we are all increasingly aware of.

Teaser: https://youtu.be/tbtrmRK32Nw

PDF: Social Media

9.Making a zine

A zine photography module is a mini-magazine that features a collection of photographs on a particular theme or subject. This module will emphasize the role of zine making
in supporting social rights movements and raising
social/cultural awareness

Teaser: https://youtu.be/OWacy4pUciY

PDF: Making a zine

10.Building tomorrow

This module is a summary and considers how to move forwards in practice when setting up projects to work with marginalized groups.

PDF: Building tomorrow

ArtHubs for Youth Virtual Exhibition

A virtual exhibition designed to initiate, nourish and protect intercultural
dialogue on a global scale.

Showcasing artworks by young artists from migrant backgrounds to wide audiences as a vehicle to be heard, to express their own reality and understand the realities of others.

Experience the vibrant expressions of young artists from migrant backgrounds in our virtual exhibition. We welcome submissions from new artists to join our diverse community. 

To submit your artwork, please email us at abt-project@kmop.org

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